Hey Kids! Guess What? I'm Alive!:D

up, I have been gone for two weeks. As much as I don't want to startle everyone with a sudden blogpost with the majority of the content being random rants about what happened in my two week disappearance from the blogosphere, I think I don't have a choice but to spill the beans. (No. Don't worry. My life was not in danger in the time spent.)

Okay. Since I am a lazy bum when it comes to writing about what goes on in my personal life, Mr. Number List will help me to uncomfortably squeeze out the memories and reasons from my head. (In chronological order of course.)

  1. In the first week and a half of my absence, I have been seriously pursuing a second degree course (Chemical Engineering). "Pursuing". But failed. Well, not really. It's just that the university that I was aiming for is making me take the course for FOUR years, and that fact is unacceptable for me since I have already finished a Five year engineering course just last year. The subject system in this university just did not fit for me this time.

  2. The rest of my absence was spent on. . . uh. Migration? Yes folks. I have migrated. I have migrated from Microsoft Windows XP SP3 to Macintosh OS X 10.5.2. Yey, me.:)

  3. In between and around the two weeks was. . . some family and life issues? Maybe. In other words I just lost sight for a while of what it means when the Bible says that God is sovereign.

These things may seem trivial and inconsequential to take me off the net, but in this period of absence the Lord has taught my soul much, where everything in anything would return to the reverberating Truth of Scripture, the sovereignty of the God of the ages, and the unsearchable depths of His sovereign grace, both in living, preaching and teaching---His Word never returns to Him void.

To my closest friends, my prayer partners, and my confidants, be not weary. Don't ever be discouraged. I have prayed well for all of you. Surely God will never change, nor can He. He will be faithful to deliver to uttermost. The Truth we hold is not ours to boast, claim or change, for it is not our own, it is simply ours to proclaim. The Truth is the Word, and the Word is fire. We are His clay pots. In unworthiness He made us worthy through His Son, in dust and ashes He made us His ministers a flame of fire.

May God keep us all, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

[That wasn't so hard now was it? Never mind the "random rants". I suddenly became too lazy to rant]


Remember When You Asked Jesus Into Your Heart? ...The Fifth Time?

Why is it that we go through our Christian lives trying to justify the thing that is not from ourselves, the saving Grace of God? People are lost and desperate, then these well-meaning little preachers, for the sake of this "easy salvation", let them just get off on a prayer. We "trust" in the promises of God but in the same time neglecting the costs of the Gospel itself. We have forgotten that it is not an "easy salvation" that we proclaim, but a "so great a salvation!" It is not for us to cut, bend, twist and manipulate for ease of delivery, but it is a message that must be fully preached. The message is not ours, it is God's. We don't have any right whatsoever to do otherwise. Ah, it is a very sad truth, that we as Christians, have lost sight of what it means when Paul said: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth..." (Rom 1:16-17)

Michael Horton

I remember when I used to ask Jesus into my heart as a child over and over again. Each time I intended to make absolutely sure that I was saved. Why do we do that? Why is it in some churches that we see the same people walking down the aisle week after week? Perhaps it is because we are looking to something we can do, or have done, to secure the kind of assurance we need. But we can't trust our feelings or our abilities of either will or effort, so we're left with having to trust in the ability of God, 'who is able to keep you from falling' (Jude 24).


"This Personal Jesus thing..." Yeah, "God is no longer a problem for us."

In the words of Ingrid Schlueter of SliceOfLaodicea.com "This is what American evangelicalism has become." We think that the Emerging Church Movement is something that came about with out any relation whatsoever to the current evangelical movement. That somehow it is something that occurred because the world has infiltrated the church. But it must be realized that the ECM didn't come over night. The movement was brought upon by the Evangelical movement itself.

--- e.g. This Personal Jesus Jesus thing.

Michael Horton : HT

In the American Religion, as in ancient Gnosticism, there is almost no sense of God’s difference from us-in other words, his majesty, sovereignty, self-existence, and holiness. God is my buddy or my inmost experience, or the power-source for living my best life now. God is not strange (i.e., holy)-and is certainly not a judge. He does not evoke fear, awe, or a sense of terrifying and disorienting beauty. Furthermore, all the focus on making atonement through a bloody sacrifice seems crude and unspiritual to Gnostics when, after all, the point of salvation is to escape the physical realm. All of this is too “Jewish,” according to Gnostics from Marcion to Schleiermacher to the “Re-Imagining Conference” of mainline Protestant leaders (especially radical feminists) who explicitly appealed to Gnosticism in their screeds against “men hanging on crosses with blood dripping and all that gory stuff.” The god of Gnosticism is not the one before whom Isaiah said, “Woe to me, for I am undone!” or Peter said, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man.” To borrow a nice phrase from William Placher, it represents “the domestication of transcendence.” God is no longer a problem for us.


A Bad Case of Ebil-Tummy-Creatures

totally missed/canceled everything I was supposed to do today, all thanks to these ebil-tummy-creatures.

Let me break it down for you. The other day I had a light case of hyperacidity that only made me a little over-gassy. At first I was able to go through my normal routines. I made some posts here on the blog. I was able to go places and run through some errands. But then t3h 3b!|_ t|_|mmy cr34t|_|r3s 4tt4c|<3d! (Ebil-tummy-creatures attacked) They completely took over the functions of my tummy and made... (are kids reading this?) ...uh ...my tummy do weird things._| ̄|○

So here's what I missed doing:

  1. Stuff concerned to my enrolment for a Chemical Engineering course.
  2. Missing the first day of Campus Harvest '08.
  3. And... posting decent stuff.

For those concerned, don't worry. I'm doing way better now. I mean way better --- all by God's providence. I can't say that the stuff happened were stuff that happened due to misfortune. I didn't do the (1)Thing listed partly because of my tummy, and partly because of the bad weather. If God allowed me to go, I'm sure I would be in far worse condition than I could imagine.

For those constantly praying for me, I thank you.


Maybe We Need to Stop Proclaiming the Gospel "What Will You do with Jesus?!"

I have to admit that I didn't find this post interesting when I first ran into it over at Philip's ReformedVoices. But seeing the number of responses to it and seeing it posted as well on Lane's Blog, I definitely had to reconsider. Very grateful I am that the Lord has led me to see and hear this message. Lord willing, I pray you be blessed too by it.

It is a very outstanding closing message to a debate. You know why? Because Mr.White put the focus where the focus must be, on God. If there is one thing worthwhile for you to think about for today and the week to come, it is this: "He is God and I am not." Study what that means dear reader. Search and see what that means in Scripture. Seek, thirst and hunger dear loved one, surely you will be blessed with more than riches and wealth if you take hold of that wonderful truth.

James White : HT

Lane Chaplin's entry:

Earlier this week, my friend, Susan, and I listened to James White's debate with George Bryson from a few years ago. This clip is James' closing statement from that debate. I highly recommend listening to the entire debate. It is very encouraging to those who now hold to Reformed theology and it provides a great contrast between the two views. After listening to this portion of it, I wanted to share it with others so I asked James last night if he would mind clipping that section of it for Youtube to share with others. Of course, he didn't have a problem with that as he is always happy and eager to get the message of the Gospel out being the humble doulos (slave) of God that he is. This is one of the best closing statements I've ever heard in any debate. The claims that Calvinism causes people to lose zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel is refuted by the content of this video alone not to mention the abundance of other Calvinistic teachers and preachers who become more concerned with the proclamation as a result of their adherence to Reformed doctrine.

Who Controls Salvation - Man or God? Debate
(James White/George Bryson)


"Kung-fu Known is Useless Kung-fu Unless it is Kung-fu Practiced."

love worship. I love worshiping our God. There is so much that cannot be expressed in gratitude to our God. By having a glimpse of the depths of the mercies of the Lord Jesus Christ, the heights of the Holiness of our God, and the extents of His saving grace, I believe that a whole lifetime is not enough to make known to our God how grateful we are.

Herein lies the irony. (Or is it a tragedy?)

So I attended the Sunday service yesterday. I went there with this thought in mind: "What does it mean to live true to Scripture?" I mean, yeah, I am sure the people here would profess to have met God, I'll give them that. But a critical thing to be considered as well is the validity of that profession. Do we truly live true to the living Word of God? Is our theology based on that fact? Are our belief systems surrendered to Holy Writ? Are the things we say and do conformed to what Scripture says? With these thoughts in mind, to put it in a few words, I became very afraid.

I became very fearful for the people around me.

I kept thinking in contrast with the attributes of God, and the truths of Himself revealed in Scripture:

"Do these people actually understand what they are saying in their worship?"

"Do these people actually know who their God is that they can sing and say these things so easily?"

"Why is it that all I see are smiles of comfort on the face of men and women but never a joyous sense of fear and trembling before the most Holy God?"

"Why is it that? Why??"

In Christianity today we are so unknowingly consumed by modern culture. We do things the way we do them because it's always been done that way. We believe the things we believe, as shallow as they are, because that's all we've been ever taught.

ESV 1 Timothy 4:6-7 If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed. 7 Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness;

We would have ourselves and others after us live in the comforts of modern thought rather than be truly subject to the Word of God. "Discipleship Leaders" go through books, paper and modern preachers, seeking to edify their disciples. . . practically. Practically? Ah yes, the essence of the Modern Church is this: "Kung-fu known is useless kung-fu unless it is kung-fu practiced." So to increase the so called "effectivity" of the saints we send them straight to the battle field.

We obligate people to preach the Gospel who have neither heard nor seen the Glory of Almighty God presented in this great message. We tell people "this is what God has done for you" (Instead of the Biblical "what will Christ do to you?"). We tell them that Christ died for our sins (Instead of the Biblical "because of your moral anarchy and open rebellion against God you are dead and worthy of nothing short but eternal condemnation in hell). But isn't it interesting that we can say these things so easily? We think we're preaching the right message but we don't realize that all we're preaching are silly myths and old wives' tales. (Not to mention it is already "another gospel" Gal 1:6-9) Our practical message most of the time goes in the lines of: "This and that happened to me and God blessed me" or "This and that happened to me and that's why this bad thing happened 'coz I did not follow God".

To give this "rabbit trail" some direction, in the words of Jim McClarty, "Where is that in the Bible?" Where is the "pay it forward principle" in the Bible? Where is practical theology in Scripture?

Are we truly conformed to Scripture? Am I conformed to the Word of God? Is what I preach and teach truly what Scripture says?

How else can we truly worship God if we don't know who He truly is as revealed in His Word? How else can we go about our service before Him if we do not know He who we serve? Is it not a frighthening thing to go about our "Christian lives" without proper knowledge of God?

These are the questions that we must ask ourselves. Do yourself a favor and ask these things to yourselves now. And if you find out that you don't? Why not start now. . . Repent dear loved one. Repent.

That my friend brings about Humble Orthodoxy. Scriptural conformity brings humble orthodoxy. Humble orthodoxy brings about scriptural conformity.


s all of you know, numerous tragedies are occurring all over the world. The Cyclone in Myanmar --- a death toll of 78,000 people. The Earthquake in China --- a death toll of 8,700 at present. It is believed that the casualties in the recent earthquake could top 50,000 deaths. Now, what do we say in all that? What do we say about our God, about our faith? More than 128,000 people died. People are asking questions, legitimate questions. Questions like, "Why God?? Why???" Then your common evangelical pastor/televangelist would say something around the lines of: "God wanted to, but He just couldn't. It's not His fault that over a hundred thousand people died. He's just in the business of saving the rest." What about the ones that died? Why did they die? Was it because they didn't pray hard enough? Why? What are we to say in all that?

This post is basically a repost of the previous article. I strongly believe that this message must get out to those overcome by despair, sorrow and brokenness in the world today.

How Sovereign is your God?

[I would also like to point you to a post I made last month. It has been a great balm to my soul since I myself lost four people in my life over in the past year. It is a message that I will never ever forget. An immense cry in my heart, and a joy to my soul it is to hear such a message. "Higher and Grander."]

As usual Philip@ReformedVoices' never lets down the quality of the stuff he posts. Here we have a very perceptive quote from John Piper concerning the Sovereignty of God. A quote that reminded me of a certain cutting message from Jim McClarty. [Quote and Video below]

John Piper

"God is not like a firefighter who gets calls to show up at calamities when the damage is already happening. He is more like a surgeon who plans the cutting he must do and plans it for good purposes. Without the confidence that God rules over the beginning of our troubles, it is hard to believe that He could rule over their end. If we deny God His power and wisdom to govern the arrival of our pain, why should we think we can trust Him with its departure?"


As usual Philip@ReformedVoices' never lets down the quality of the stuff he posts. Here we have a very perceptive quote from John Piper concerning the Sovereignty of God. A quote that reminded me of a certain cutting message from Jim McClarty. [Quote and Video below]

John Piper

"God is not like a firefighter who gets calls to show up at calamities when the damage is already happening. He is more like a surgeon who plans the cutting he must do and plans it for good purposes. Without the confidence that God rules over the beginning of our troubles, it is hard to believe that He could rule over their end. If we deny God His power and wisdom to govern the arrival of our pain, why should we think we can trust Him with its departure?"


Live True to Your...Self? Self-Esteem Anyone? $2.00 each.

o I've been pondering all day what I should write about in today's Monday - Humble Orthodoxy post. Since I've been thinking for a wee-long while now without being able to come up with something substantial, I've decided to just write away.

While I was reading some articles over at Pyromaniacs, a particular phrase caught my attention - a phrase that I too wrote at last week's and this morning's article. In essence it is this: "Humble orthodoxy in a life of a believer essentially means to primarily live true to God."

I thought that it's something worth writing about.

What does it mean to live true to God? Some might get the impression of a pious chap who would do all the right things and say all the right stuff. A kind of person that prays 'till the rooster crows and reads his Bible 99% of the time. As much as that is a wonderful picture of a Christian, that is not what I am necesarrily talking about in living true to God.

KJV Titus 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

It is very possible to say and do things in the name of God, but still have such works be dead deeds in the eyes of the Lord.

To be true to God essentially means that for a Christian, as compelled by the Spirit of God, he must have such a view of his Creator, having grasped a knowledge of who God is, he would be able to live accordingly to Him he professes to be a servant of.

It isn't by living a life that doesn't fail to live in perfect exactitude to the commands of Scripture. But the state in which the reality of the living God has come upon the believer.

Why do you think God said in 1 Peter 5:5 and James 4:6 that He "opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble"?

Why? Why would God give grace to the humble? Ah, but it is in the state of humility that pleases God to shed forth His grace.

Imagine a man, the most rebellious of all sinners, utterly God hating and filled with moral anarchy. Imagine that man being drawn to God Himself, causing the man to have his eyes open to the reality of his rebellion against God and his wickedness against Deity. Imagine that man finally truly grasping the reality of the immeasurable depths of the Holiness of God and the unattainable heights of the requirements of His Justice and Truth. Imagine that man, awakened in the reality of his just condemnation against God.

Now imagine you in his place, when you finally understood what it meant when someone said:

"Intense the agony--
When the ear begins to hear, and the eye begins to see;
When the pulse begins to throb, the brain to think again;
The soul to feel the flesh, and the flesh to feel the chain."

A realization of the completeness of the nature and attributes of God, the deadness of your sin, the magnitude of the abomination of your works and soul against the Master of the universe - and you say, as an old man once said in the Lewis Revival, "I believe Hell is too good for me!"

Such a person dear loved one is one that pleases God to give grace to. Such a person in essence has his heart reduced to powder, without out hope, without God. It is he that God gives grace to. It is he after being given grace would live, not by obligation nor by persuasion, a Chrisian life. But he would live so because he is so indebted to the God who has saved Him.

And the man says: "I can do nothing of my life. I can say nothing of myself. I cannot help but live true to my God - to live true to my Savior."

A pious chap who would do all the right things and say all the right stuff. A kind of person that prays 'till the rooster crows and reads his Bible 99% of the time? Ah, a chap that doesn't realize that he does these things, exaggeration aside, but is singularly compelled by a grave understanding in tears and trembling of the immensity of the love of God given to such a sinner as he.


"As He 'Feeleth' in His Heart, so is He?" ...Feel Right, Live Right Dawg.

I think I had too much fun with the title of the post this time. Anyway, to make things clear, I want first to make known that I stand, as many of you are too, on Pauline theology. Saying that, I also believe, as Paul taught, that all things are permissible but not all things are expedient (1 Cor 6:12). To expound a little, it means that we, as Christians, are not bound to any law nor any form of legalistic obligation, but in the entirety of the Christian Life, we are singularly bound by the Spirit of God, being infinitely indebted to the Gospel that saved us, we just cannot help but to live otherwise, to live in such a way that pleases our Lord, in living and preaching alike.

With that in mind, the only way to live as stated, I believe, is first to live true to God. Secondly, to live true to Scripture. Thirdly, live true to conscience. Lastly, to live true to self and others. I wonder what would happen if the church of the Lord Jesus Christ today would take into serious account what it means to live true to God and Scripture.

To me it seems that our culture today gives first importance to living true to oneself rather than living true to the God he professes to believe.

...Feel Right, Live Right Dawg?

A.W. Pink

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim 3:16-17).

"Doctrine" means "teaching," and it is by doctrine or teaching that the great realities of God and of our relation to Him—of Christ, the Spirit, salvation, grace, glory, are made known to us. It is by doctrine (through the power of the Spirit) that believers are nourished and edified, and where doctrine is neglected, growth in grace and effective witnessing for Christ necessarily cease. How sad then that doctrine is now decried as "unpractical" when, in fact, doctrine is the very base of the practical life. There is an inseparable connection between belief and practice—"As he thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Pro 23:7). The relation between Divine truth and Christian character is that of cause to effect—"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32)—free from ignorance, free from prejudice, free from error, free from the wiles of Satan, free from the power of evil; and if the truth is not "known" then such freedom will not be enjoyed. Observe the order of mention in the passage with which we have opened. All Scripture is profitable first for "doctrine"! The same order is observed throughout the Epistles, particularly in the great doctrinal treatises of the apostle Paul. Read the Epistle of "Romans" and it will be found that there is not a single admonition in the first five chapters. In the Epistle of "Ephesians" there are no exhortations till the fourth chapter is reached. The order is first doctrinal exposition and then admonition or exhortation for the regulation of the daily walk.

- A.W. Pink, The Sovereignty of God


"The Rising Tide of Infidelity."

Here we have a brief excerpt of how important doctrine is, an orthodox belief, proper Biblical belief and teaching is in the Christian life. What arrogance is there for the pursuit of truth? Ah, indeed true Orthodoxy, one that is centered in God and the Cross is one that is truly humble.

A.W. Pink

It is ignorance of doctrine that has rendered the professing church helpless to cope with the rising tide of infidelity. It is ignorance of doctrine which is mainly responsible for thousands of professing Christians being captivated by the numerous fallacies of the day. It is because the time has now arrived when the bulk of our churches "will not endure sound doctrine" (2 Tim. 4:3) that they so readily receive false doctrines. Of course it is true that doctrine, like anything else in Scripture, may be studied from a merely cold intellectual viewpoint, and thus approached, doctrinal teaching and doctrinal study will leave the heart untouched, and will naturally be "dry" and profitless. But, doctrine properly received, doctrine studied with an exercised heart, will ever lead into a deeper knowledge of God and of the unsearchable riches of Christ.

- A.W. Pink, The Sovereignty of God


Humble Orthodoxy

inally, we in NewDemonstration have determined to write a topical series of posts. In the past months/year, there is a topic that always had my interest. It was an article that I stumbled upon in the past year down in Pyromaniacs, an article written by Frank Turk on his regular Wednesday post. It was about Humble Orthodoxy. For those of you who aren't familiar or much exposed in the blogosphere, it is a title, correct me if I am wrong, that was coined over at NewAttitude, the original Humble Orthodoxy guys. Having read their articles, I thought to myself, "We must write something like this! People must hear/read this message!" So months came by, the blog growing older, Mike and the guys joining in, we have finally decided to write about it, our own version of humble orthodoxy. Mike has previously written one in the past week, and due to some very "undesirable circumstances" I have failed to follow up, which is what I am making up for in today's Monday Post (which will be my official post date from now on. - it is technically still monday in other timezones right?).

To start let us define what Humble Orthodoxy means. Humble, of course also forms the word humility, a sense of the absence of pride, a low sight of self. Orthodoxy on the other hand is derived from two Greek words, "ortho", meaning "right" or "correct", and "doxa", meaning "thought", "teaching", or "belief". In this case, as related to the Christian practice, orthodoxy means "correct beliefs".

In modern Christian culture today, there is very little importance given on orthodoxy. Very few Christians would consider themselves orthodox for that matter. Most of us would call ourselves "Born Again", "Jesus freak", "church guy", or whatever. To us, the word orthodox has a sort of strong connotation, an unattractive one. To most people it describes a legalistic form of belief, boring and arrogant. A "do this and don't do that" sort of mentality is imposed when orthodox comes to mind.

Keep in mind all these are merely presumptions, isn't it interesting that such orthodoxy is commanded by the very Word of God?

KJV 1 Timothy 4:6-7 If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained. 7 But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.

Why orthodoxy then? In what way is it "humble"?

Realize that orthodoxy and humility are intertwined within each other in and around the Christian faith. If one is truly humble, he is not one humbled by men. A person who is truly humble is not humble with respect to others, the environment or the situation at hand. Ah, but for a Christian, he is one who is humbled for He has caught a glimpse of the Glory of the Sovereign God! He is one who has caught a heavenly glimpse of the Awesomeness of the Almighty, Omnipotent, Holy, Sovereign and Righteous! Like the prophet Isaiah, he cannot help but to confess the utter unworthiness of his being, for he has seen the Holiness of God, the embodiment of the Lord's Glory, and in light of that He has seen the curroption of his own soul, the defiance of his nature against a Just and Holy God!

KJV Isaiah 6:1-5 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. 2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. 3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. 4 And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. 5 Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.

For a Christian, I find it impossible to not love orthodoxy. I find it impossible to not strive for sound doctrine. I find it impossible to deny the desire to know God and the fullness of the accomplishments of the Atonement fulfilled by Christ as expressed in Holy Writ.

As humility would lead to orthodoxy, in the same way orthodoxy would lead to humility. For a person having caught a knowledge of the Holy, of God, His justice and the wisdom of His requirements, he cannot help but be cast down. Like Daniel, when a vision came to him:

ESV Daniel 10:7-12 And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, for the men who were with me did not see the vision, but a great trembling fell upon them, and they fled to hide themselves. 8 So I was left alone and saw this great vision, and no strength was left in me. My radiant appearance was fearfully changed, and I retained no strength. 9 Then I heard the sound of his words, and as I heard the sound of his words, I fell on my face in deep sleep with my face to the ground. 10 And behold, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. 11 And he said to me, "O Daniel, man greatly loved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for now I have been sent to you." And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood up trembling. 12 Then he said to me, "Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words.

If one has truly grasped a knowledge of who God is, His attributes, the eternal worthiness of the God of all creation, I am fully persuaded that pride nor arrogance would not come about in such an experience, but a kind if humility that comes from the Lord of Glory Himself, for when we know who God is, we will surely know how it is to tremble before Him and His glory.

How else can we face Him?

How is it that men claim to have met God, "dwelling in the anointing", "operating in the Glory", but never had an idea even of how it is to bow down in the dust in fear and trembling in the sight of the Lord? How is it that such people claims to have had visions of Angels and of Christ would immediately feel joy but never fear? Ah, how doubtful our generation is.

If one has truly grasped what it means to grab that which the Word of God teaches, sound doctrine, orthodoxy, an expression of correct beliefs, humility personified, I completely believe that such a condition would as well lead to a correct practice of one's Christian life. That it wouldn't so much be stuck as idle thinking, or simply a great idea, but it would be the very thing that compels us to live rightly before God! How else shall we live? How else shall we speak? How else shall we serve the Living God?

Humility leads to Orthodoxy as Orthodoxy leads to Humility, both lead to Orthopraxy. Orthopraxy being the expression of correct practice of one's Christian Life.


That was me being sarcastic.

omething funny happened today.

Not really. That was me being sarcastic.

As I was beginning to write my article for our new topical series in New.Demonstration, Humble Orthodoxy, for some reason that God only knows, my HDD crashed. Not the typical death of an OS but a literal death of my OS HDD, a complete mechanical failure. So as you can imagine writing the article instantly became a minor priority. No PC, No article.

To my surprise as I was getting back my OS up in my other HDD I found out that Windows has finally released the final version of XP SP3. I am currently downloading the update and I am quite excited to try it out. Not to mention I don't have much to lose since my system is presently bare of anything.

God fascinates me all the time. The way He never fails to show His hand working in each and every detail of my life. Yes my HDD crashed, but by the Almighty's providence He directed me before to transfer all my important files to my present HDD. What amazing Grace. I could've lost it but still He chose otherwise.


Higher and Grander

I am sure that many of us has experienced losses in our lives. Some of us said goodbye not long ago to our elderly relatives, our grandparents, maybe even our parents. Some of us experienced unexpected losses. Losing someone dearly dearly loved. A most painful experience, agonizing, heart-wrenching.

What are we to say and believe in such an event? No intellectual thinking. No rational thinking. What are we to say in all that pain, grief and sorrow?

Sometimes we never realize how real God is in our lives. We hold onto all His promises, our hope is Him alone, but when the trials come, when the pain comes, when things happen in our lives that just spell out turmoil and heart-wrenching losses, we cannot seem to see nor understand our God anymore. I'd like to thank Philip for putting together this video for all of us to see and enjoy, that we may realize that God is Sovereign, and that He has Higher and Grander purposes.

Jim McClarty : HT

Pastor McClarty retells the recent events of his friend Barney Johnson's 4 year old grand daughter's funeral. Jim went thinking he would minister to and support Barney, but instead it was Barney's preaching of his grand daughter's eulogy that ministered to Jim and all those in attendance with a message they will not soon forget.

Part 1

Part 2

Listen to more from Pastor Jim McClarty at www.salvationbygrace.org


Have We No Tears for Revival?

There is an article that I ran into over the past weeks. I must say that upon first reading it until now, it has laid a heavy burden upon my heart. Every time I come to read it, I cannot help but find my eyes welling up in tears, and my heart aching much in each passing word. It is an excerpt from Leonard Ravenhill's most wonderful book, "Why Revival Tarries."

Have We No Tears For Revival?

"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy." (Psalm 126:5). This is the divine edict. This is more than preaching with zeal. This is more than scholarly exposition. This is more than delivering sermons of exegetical exactitude and homiletical perfection. Such a man, whether preacher or pew dweller, is appalled at the shrinking authority of the Church in the present drama of cruelty in the world. And he cringes with sorrow that men turn a deaf ear to the Gospel and willingly risk eternal hell in the process. Under this complex burden, his heart is crushed to tears.

The true man of God is heartsick, grieved at the worldliness of the Church, grieved at the blindness of the Church, grieved at the corruption in the Church, grieved at the toleration of sin in the Church, grieved at the prayerlessness in the Church. He is disturbed that the corporate prayer of the Church no longer pulls down the strongholds of the devil. He is embarrassed that the Church folks no longer cry in their despair before a devil-ridden, sin-mad society, "Why could we not cast him out?" (Matthew 17:19).

Many of us have no heart-sickness for the former glory of the Church because we have never known what true revival is. We stagnate in the status quo and sleep easy at night while our generation moves swiftly to the eternal night of hell. Shame, shame on us! Jesus whipped some money changers out of the temple; but before He whipped them, He wept over them. He knew how near their judgment was The Apostle Paul sent a tear-stained letter to the Philippian saints, writing: "I have told you often and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ" (Phil 3:18). Notice that he does not say they are enemies of Christ; they are, rather, the enemies of the cross of Christ. They deny or diminish the redemptive values of the cross. There are many like this today. The church of Rome does not stand as an enemy of Christ; it traces heavily on His holy name. Yet it denies the cross by saying that the Blessed Virgin is co-redemptive. If this is so, why was she not also crucified? The Mormons use the name of Christ, yet they are astray on the atonement. Have we tears for them? Shall we face them without a blush when they accuse us of inertia at the Judgment Seat saying that they were our neighbors and an offense to us, but not a burden because they were lost?

The Salvationists can scarcely read their flaming evangelical history without tears. Has the glory of the evangelical revival under Wesley ever gripped the hearts of the Methodists of today? Have they read of the fire-baptized men in Wesley's team? Men like John Nelson, Thomas Walsh, and a host of others whose names are written in the Book of Life; men persecuted and kicked in the streets when they held street meetings? Yet as their blood flowed from their wounds, their tears flowed from their eyes. Have the Holiness people set a guard at the door of the beauty parlors lest any sister should enter to get her hair curled, while a block away there is a string of prostitutes trying to sell their sin-wracked bodies with none to tell them of eternal love? Do the Pentecostals look back with shame as they remember when they dwelt across the theological tracks, but with the glory of the Lord in their midst? When they had a normal church life, which meant nights of prayers, followed by signs and wonders, and diverse miracles, and genuine gifts of the Holy Ghost? When they were not clock watchers, and their meetings lasted for hours, saturated with holy power? Have we no tears for these memories, or shame that our children know nothing of such power? Other denominations had their Glory Days of revival. Think of the mighty visitations to the Presbyterians in Korea. Remember the earth-shaking revival in Shantung. Are those days gone forever? Have we no tears for revival?

- Leonard Ravenhill, Why Revival Tarries


What it means to "Grow in the Spirit."

guess a story in my life is unfolding in this time. It's one of those things that's very much worth writing but I just don't know how to write it. I don't even know where to begin.

There are different lines in the Christian faith that we must come to see some time in our lives. For me, that time has come. There is so much that I am learning right now... but as I learn much, and as these lines become clearer and more profound, the genuineness of the Christian practice of the preachers and saints of old and the saints of today become clear.

It's really hard to put in writing...
But this I can say:

  1. Christian Living is more than just living right and obeying the Word of God. It is more than just living in accordance with the tenets of Scripture. But a Christian's life must be so much filled with God the Holy Spirit, so much so that our "will" or whatever consciousness we have is driven by the very Hand of God. That even in the exploration of Scripture, in the journey of knowing God... in theology and doctrines... it must be as such effectually and totally filled by the Spirit... such that the hunger and thirst is indeed of God and not of the flesh, such that one cannot keep it in in himself... like the prophet Isaiah, it will be like fire shut up in your bones, and you will be full to the brim, and you cannot help but proclaim these truths.
  2. Preaching is also more than just preaching with exegetical exactitude. It is more than just presenting theology and doctrine... but preaching is the proclamation of God's Word. And God's Word is FIRE (Jeremiah 23:29). It must be preaching and teaching fully filled by God's Spirit and much laden with prayer... prayer! Oh, so much prayer.
  3. We need much to learn to pray... so much we need to teach others to pray. It breaks my heart that we have hundreds of people who attend our church services, but our prayer-meetings are never full.
Most of these things I've known for a long time... but only now have I truly seen the reality of it. Truly "growing in the Spirit"... beginning to truly cry at the "impoverishedness" of the Christian people.

I am so far off where I ought to be.


Thy Life in my death?!

Today we have a quote from Mr. John MacArthur's book, "Hard to Believe", specifically from the first chapter.

John MacArthur

Christianity, in the hands of some seeker-sensitive church leaders, has become a "get what you want" rather than a "give up everything" movement. These leaders have prostituted the divine intention of the Gospel. They have replaced the glory of God with the satisfaction of man. They have traded the concept of abandoning our lives to the honor of Christ for Christ honoring us. As such, our submission to His will is replaced by His submission to our will. Since people usually reject the real gospel, modern evangelicals have simply changed the message.

A saint of many centuries ago got it right with this prayer:

"Lord, high and holy, meek and lowly, let me learn by paradox that the way down is the way up, that to be low is to be high, that the broken heart is the healed heart, that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit, that the repenting soul is the victorious soul, that to have nothing is to possess everything, that to bear the cross is to wear the crown, that to give is to receive. Let me find thy light in my darkness, thy joy in my sorrow, they grace in my sin, thy riches in my poverty, thy glory in my valley, thy life in my death."

"Thy life in my death"? That's the true gospel. Jesus said it unmistakably and inescapably, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it" (Matt. 16:24-25). It's not about exalting me, it's about slaying me. It's the death of self. You win by losing; you live by dying. And that is the heart message of the gospel. That is the essence of discipleship.

In the coming days, I will try to post quotes from each chapter of this wonderful book.

May God keep you always.


Deathbed Comfort with the (Emerging) Church

This video just blew me away. There's really not that much to say since it addresses the very problem of the Church, uncertainty. Very few will you find, Christians who firmly know what they believe, and when presented with a situation as this, a dying man who killed a person who is looking for answers, will be able to provide the truth of God's Word. How many of us can look at such a man in the eyes and say with complete conviction:

You know what you have done. You have sinned against God. God is Holy, Just and Righteous. Because of your sin, not just the murder you have committed, but the very way you have lived your life, God will bring justice upon your soul. You cannot possibly imagine the infinite Holiness of God, therefore you cannot possibly imagine of how dreadful your sins are in His holy eyes that the consequence of which will be nothing less than torment in Hell for all eternity. You loved your sins and you hated God, only against Him have you sinned, and you did it willingly and joyfully. But if right now there is a genuine contrition in your heart, a conviction of hopelessness crying out for mercy to the God you have once hated. If there is a change in your heart that the sin that you once loved you now hate, and the God you once hated and rebelled against you now love... then there is hope for you. Because in spite of your sin, apathy and rebellion against God, instead of bringing down His wrath upon you, He took it upon Himself to make that work of repentance in you, that you may see the crimes you have done and the weight of those horrors that you have committed against Him! And in all that, as you seek to repent and seek a Savior... there is a promise... that God so loved you... in spite your evil He gave His only Son to die for you that you may be clean. Instead of the Hell you deserve He gave His Son.

Here are the videos from Way of the Master and Way of the Master Radio:

Way of the Master
A number of people called our attention to this clip from the popular TV series ER. It really is amazing for secular television.
The "Fair Use" law allowed us to teach from it, without violating copyright laws. It has wonderful evangelistic potential, so please use it all over the Internet.

Way of the Master Radio
Who would have thought that an episode of ER would shed some light on the dangers of the emerging church?


Theology Talk: Is Calvinism Dangerous?

Calvinism or "Reformed Theology", for those of you who do not know, is a form of systematic theology that finds it's roots from the Reformation (Augustine, John Calvin, Martin Luther and others.) The Doctrines of Grace (The 5 Principal Doctrines of the Reformed Faith) are best expressed by the acronym TULIP.

TULIP then if broken down to it's individual letters, brings us the 5 Doctrines of the Reformed Faith, namely:

  • Total Depravity
  • Unconditional Election
  • Limited Atonement or Particular Redemption
  • Irresistible Grace
  • Perseverance of the Saints

The Theological and Biblical treatises of the Reformed faith has been contested and adamantly opposed to by denominations and categories of religious faith, quite specifically those who adhere to Arminianism (An anti-theses to Calvinism).

They simply would not accept what Reformed Theology teaches:
  • Total Depravity
    Man is dead and trespasses and sins, therefore, he has neither the will (free will) nor the want to be saved. He is dead, totally depraved.
  • Unconditional Election
    God saves men, not by virtue of anything "foreseen" by God of the life of a man, but by virtue of His own Sovereign choice.
  • Particular Redemption
    The Lord Jesus Christ died for those who God has given Him, the elect, His people. Christ did not die for the whole world, each and every person that ever lived.
  • Irresistible Grace
    When God determines to save you, you cannot escape His saving Grace. You will be saved.
  • Perseverance of the Saints
    Once saved, always saved. Nothing can ever snatch you(the elect) from the Hand of God.

I'm sure reading these brief explanations has already raised some questions in your mind. Most of you realize that these clearly opposes what you believe and what has been taught to you. And as the Arminians would usually say, you might be thinking that Calvinism/Reformed theology is dangerous.

In such a premise, Jim McClarty and Jeff Young of Grace Christian Assembly has graced us with a defense to why the Reformed Faith is actually genuine and Biblical. I am forced to conclude that the anti-theses of such is in fact the dangerous theology, a heresy if you will, and ultimately, a trampling underfoot of the Saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Theology Talk

In our inaugural Theology Talk, Jim is joined by Jeff Young, GCA president, to discuss a recent anti-Calvinist message, preached by Pastor Brady Cooper at the New Vision Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, TN. Jim and Jeff carefully and respectfully point out the assumptions, misrepresentations, and "straw man arguments" that are typical of the Arminian approach to Scripture. It is our intention to utilize this informal discussion format to produce other Theology Talk programs in the future covering a wide variety of topics.

For a complete mp3 download visit the GCA Archives.



So I've been gone for a month or two now. I guess a thorough (well not that thorough... or maybe not at all.) news update on my life must be put into order.

  • ECE Board exams are over! Glory to God for the undeserved results!
    ( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN!
  • I gots work! Yep, my dad made me work right away after the exams.:O The exams ended March 27, then he made me work starting the 28th, haha. It's cool though. I love my job.( ´∀`)
  • I have tons of reading to do! So much accumulated books... so much that imma have to make a separate post for it.(*´ο`*)=3

And now for the reason as to why it only took me today to post something~~~~!


A week after the board exam results came out, I thought about making a personal blog of my own (which is this one), as inspired by Mike's "Grace and Fire" blog.

So as I was creating my new blog on blogspot, and having found a neat template I can really mod/tweak/play around with... something terrible happened... (/;°ロ°)/

I applied my new template on the New.Demonstration(N.D.) site!_| ̄|○ So obviously, the template of the N.D. got crapped out. The widgets disappeared, and a lot of unfortunate stuff. So I gave my apologies to both Mike and Mark for having done this stupid thing that I would call an "accident" (I mean it is! I didn't mean to... come'on...ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ )... ...then I took it upon myself to remake the site layout again!

So there! I really enjoyed remaking the layout of the N.D., and I thought it was really cool 'coz it got these "Tabs" which I thought was really neat, I also was able to incorporate the tabs-script onto my personal blog!

So without further ado, I present the new and improved New.Demonstration Blog!

Also, finally my new personal blog (which is this one), "Nothing but a Feeble Saint"

Please do visit us. We'll continue to start writing and posting stuff again, from quotes from our favorite Puritanic Writers to the God fearing Reformed preachers of our time, to theological/doctrinal stuff to the Biblical Revelations of God in our lives. Also, as you know that it's Spring Break (for those in the west), as is Summer Break (for us here in the east), we got more time on our hands now. So, more time means, more time to read books! We have a whole lot set for the months, and surely we'll post some nuggets of truth from these books on the N.D. as well as here on the F.B.

So, see you guys on the next post, God bless you all. May we know God more in His fullness and Truth, that we may worship Him as He Is, Amen.


Nothing but a Feeble Saint : Opening

Who am I? I am the dust that the wind picketh up, and goes where the wind listeth. I am here today, and gone tomorrow. In me there is no good thing. My flesh rebels against it's Maker. I am but an evil thing. Sin has touched every part of my being. I am totally depraved. I am God hating. Spiritually dead, I have made war with God through my mind and my works. I sought glory for myself. I sought to live for myself. I purposed my life to exist for the reason of my own selfish end. That was I. I was lost. But it was then that I finally understood when someone said:

Intense the agony--
When the ear begins to hear, and the eye begins to see;
When the pulse begins to throb, the brain to think again;
The soul to feel the flesh, and the flesh to feel the chain.

And in that lostness. In the realization of the bondage to my sin. God has awakened me to the fact that I am utterly condemned. For God being holy and just, perfect and sovereign, it was just right that He would do away with such a wretch like me who has never done anything but evil and hate him since my coming into this world. Just was His verdict, guilty was my plea, there was no escaping the fact that Hell is to be my eternity.

But o, I could not understand why... why, aside from my wretchedness, my evil, my lostness and hate, He still chose to shine His eyes upon me. Despite the darkness that I loved, the devil that I served, the God of Creation still chose to love me. He chose to Save me. He looked upon the deadness of my soul and gave me life. He looked upon my sin, and instead of wretchedness, He saw the perfection of His Son. It is more than my heart can ever bear, the gratitude I have for God. From the Hell that was for me, He gave His only Son.

I need no other argument,
I need no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that He died for me.


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