This video just blew me away. There's really not that much to say since it addresses the very problem of the Church, uncertainty. Very few will you find, Christians who firmly know what they believe, and when presented with a situation as this, a dying man who killed a person who is looking for answers, will be able to provide the truth of God's Word. How many of us can look at such a man in the eyes and say with complete conviction:
You know what you have done. You have sinned against God. God is Holy, Just and Righteous. Because of your sin, not just the murder you have committed, but the very way you have lived your life, God will bring justice upon your soul. You cannot possibly imagine the infinite Holiness of God, therefore you cannot possibly imagine of how dreadful your sins are in His holy eyes that the consequence of which will be nothing less than torment in Hell for all eternity. You loved your sins and you hated God, only against Him have you sinned, and you did it willingly and joyfully. But if right now there is a genuine contrition in your heart, a conviction of hopelessness crying out for mercy to the God you have once hated. If there is a change in your heart that the sin that you once loved you now hate, and the God you once hated and rebelled against you now love... then there is hope for you. Because in spite of your sin, apathy and rebellion against God, instead of bringing down His wrath upon you, He took it upon Himself to make that work of repentance in you, that you may see the crimes you have done and the weight of those horrors that you have committed against Him! And in all that, as you seek to repent and seek a Savior... there is a promise... that God so loved you... in spite your evil He gave His only Son to die for you that you may be clean. Instead of the Hell you deserve He gave His Son.
Here are the videos from Way of the Master and Way of the Master Radio:
Way of the Master
A number of people called our attention to this clip from the popular TV series ER. It really is amazing for secular television.
The "Fair Use" law allowed us to teach from it, without violating copyright laws. It has wonderful evangelistic potential, so please use it all over the Internet.
Way of the Master Radio
Who would have thought that an episode of ER would shed some light on the dangers of the emerging church?
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