Remember When You Asked Jesus Into Your Heart? ...The Fifth Time?

Why is it that we go through our Christian lives trying to justify the thing that is not from ourselves, the saving Grace of God? People are lost and desperate, then these well-meaning little preachers, for the sake of this "easy salvation", let them just get off on a prayer. We "trust" in the promises of God but in the same time neglecting the costs of the Gospel itself. We have forgotten that it is not an "easy salvation" that we proclaim, but a "so great a salvation!" It is not for us to cut, bend, twist and manipulate for ease of delivery, but it is a message that must be fully preached. The message is not ours, it is God's. We don't have any right whatsoever to do otherwise. Ah, it is a very sad truth, that we as Christians, have lost sight of what it means when Paul said: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth..." (Rom 1:16-17)

Michael Horton

I remember when I used to ask Jesus into my heart as a child over and over again. Each time I intended to make absolutely sure that I was saved. Why do we do that? Why is it in some churches that we see the same people walking down the aisle week after week? Perhaps it is because we are looking to something we can do, or have done, to secure the kind of assurance we need. But we can't trust our feelings or our abilities of either will or effort, so we're left with having to trust in the ability of God, 'who is able to keep you from falling' (Jude 24).

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