s all of you know, numerous tragedies are occurring all over the world. The Cyclone in Myanmar --- a death toll of 78,000 people. The Earthquake in China --- a death toll of 8,700 at present. It is believed that the casualties in the recent earthquake could top 50,000 deaths. Now, what do we say in all that? What do we say about our God, about our faith? More than 128,000 people died. People are asking questions, legitimate questions. Questions like, "Why God?? Why???" Then your common evangelical pastor/televangelist would say something around the lines of: "God wanted to, but He just couldn't. It's not His fault that over a hundred thousand people died. He's just in the business of saving the rest." What about the ones that died? Why did they die? Was it because they didn't pray hard enough? Why? What are we to say in all that?
This post is basically a repost of the previous article. I strongly believe that this message must get out to those overcome by despair, sorrow and brokenness in the world today.
[I would also like to point you to a post I made last month. It has been a great balm to my soul since I myself lost four people in my life over in the past year. It is a message that I will never ever forget. An immense cry in my heart, and a joy to my soul it is to hear such a message. "Higher and Grander."]
As usual Philip@ReformedVoices' never lets down the quality of the stuff he posts. Here we have a very perceptive quote from John Piper concerning the Sovereignty of God. A quote that reminded me of a certain cutting message from Jim McClarty. [Quote and Video below]
John Piper
"God is not like a firefighter who gets calls to show up at calamities when the damage is already happening. He is more like a surgeon who plans the cutting he must do and plans it for good purposes. Without the confidence that God rules over the beginning of our troubles, it is hard to believe that He could rule over their end. If we deny God His power and wisdom to govern the arrival of our pain, why should we think we can trust Him with its departure?"
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