So I've been gone for a month or two now. I guess a thorough (well not that thorough... or maybe not at all.) news update on my life must be put into order.
- ECE Board exams are over! Glory to God for the undeserved results!
( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN! - I gots work! Yep, my dad made me work right away after the exams.:O The exams ended March 27, then he made me work starting the 28th, haha. It's cool though. I love my job.( ´∀`)
- I have tons of reading to do! So much accumulated books... so much that imma have to make a separate post for it.(*´ο`*)=3
And now for the reason as to why it only took me today to post something~~~~!
A week after the board exam results came out, I thought about making a personal blog of my own (which is this one), as inspired by Mike's "Grace and Fire" blog.
So as I was creating my new blog on blogspot, and having found a neat template I can really mod/tweak/play around with... something terrible happened... (/;°ロ°)/
I applied my new template on the New.Demonstration(N.D.) site!_| ̄|○ So obviously, the template of the N.D. got crapped out. The widgets disappeared, and a lot of unfortunate stuff. So I gave my apologies to both Mike and Mark for having done this stupid thing that I would call an "accident" (I mean it is! I didn't mean to... come'on...ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ )... ...then I took it upon myself to remake the site layout again!
So there! I really enjoyed remaking the layout of the N.D., and I thought it was really cool 'coz it got these "Tabs" which I thought was really neat, I also was able to incorporate the tabs-script onto my personal blog!

Please do visit us. We'll continue to start writing and posting stuff again, from quotes from our favorite Puritanic Writers to the God fearing Reformed preachers of our time, to theological/doctrinal stuff to the Biblical Revelations of God in our lives. Also, as you know that it's Spring Break (for those in the west), as is Summer Break (for us here in the east), we got more time on our hands now. So, more time means, more time to read books! We have a whole lot set for the months, and surely we'll post some nuggets of truth from these books on the N.D. as well as here on the F.B.
So, see you guys on the next post, God bless you all. May we know God more in His fullness and Truth, that we may worship Him as He Is, Amen.
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